I am an Athlete, can you sponsor me?

If you are an athlete and would like to collaborate with us by being sponsored, please send your request to our partnership team at partnerships@vivolife.co.uk

Please make sure you include your social media handles and to send us a brief presentation of yourself, telling us why you would like to be sponsored by Vivo and what you have to offer.

Please be aware that applicants go through a strict selection process and if we consider that your values don’t align with the brand’s values, we won’t consider a collaboration with you.

You might also be interested in our excellent Social Reward Program that has already been joined by hundreds of people. This program gives you the chance to earn up to £30/$30 monthly credit to use on our website by sharing snaps of Vivo Life products on your Instagram account and simply tagging us, we look at all posts personally, and send extra free gifts to our favourite ones!

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